Ok, for all you ex-pats like me who have been living abroad for more than three years... guess what they came out with while we were gone... HEB Plus. Anyone heard of it already? Well it was new to me. I was in grocery store heaven! This place so beats the socks off Super WalMart! Ok, they probably don't have everything a SW has, but they had so much more when it comes to food!
So my brother said he wanted to do cold-cuts for the wedding reception so I said great! I listened to Mary talk about it for the Arts and Crafts Awards Ceremony so I said IF I could find the right meats and cheeses I would do an Italian style spead. IF I could find them... HA!
So I walk into the HEB and the FIRST thing I find is the FRESH bread section. They had flippin BAUERN BROT! OMG I was in bread heaven! So I ordered 15 loaves of that yummy Italian bread that Mary got us. MMMM.... fresh baked Italian bread.... Then I turn around and there's a little kiosk with all the olives and stuff. Well, that was out cuz bro wasn't interested. Oh well, they still had them! Then I go to the produce section and they had WHITE ASPARAGUS! No one else even knew it existed, but there it was! Ok, I didn't buy asparagus, I was just happy to see it had made its way across the ocean. They had the ruccola (Corinnea will be proud of me) too.
Then I get to the deli meats and cheeses. MMMMM.... They had EVERYTHING! A HUGE selection of German meats and a nice selection of Italian meats (which is what I was shopping for). Same for the cheeses. They had Havarti for cryin out loud! They even had the really good 3 year old parmesean. I had a really fun conversation about cheese with a British lady and ended up buying some soft cheese (I forgot which one) with cranberries in it! It's really good.
Oh, I also had a conversation with a Korean lady at the fresh sushi section who's name is Young, which is also like our Mi Young. That was cool.
Back to cheese, hehe, they even had Babybel OH AND the Lurpak butter we get in the commissary. Who woulda thought!
Ok, the rest of the store was normal. Oh, but at one point while I was buying coffee Ethan wanted to play this crane game and one of the greeters gave him a token to play the game. You know what they say, when you make the kids happy you've got the parents.
Ok, so bottom line... if I ever move back to the states I refuse to live in any city that does not have an HEB Plus. And I think I should get a prize for posting this HUGE blog about a grocery store!