Monday, December 29, 2014

Unblogged Misfits of 2014

Ok, not really misfits... but here are the random things that didn't get blogged, but were made in 2014.

1600 Quilt  
with a Rainbow Jelly Roll
 Hanging on the wall at the store as a sample, but still not quilted.

Briar Rose Quilt
Fabric: Joel Dewberry, Modern Meadow (just the blue color way)

Cathedral Window Mini
 The gray mini quilt with the diamonds is called a Cathedral Window. That's the one I made this year. A couple of the others up there are gifts from friends who might be reading right now! I hung all my minis on my office wall this year.

Patriotic Pinwheels
 Made for a sample for the store, quilted, but not bound. I saw a quilt on Pinterest and wanted to make it, but I didn't need a whole pinwheel quilt! So a table runner was a better option.

Rain Coat!!!!
 I finally made the Amy Butler rain coat, but I haven't taken good photos yet because it's technically not finished. I still need to put on the buttons. But I have worn the heck out of this rain jacket! It's lined with flannel!! But the sleeves are lined with a satiny lining fabric so they slip over my sleeves. Maybe someday this will get the photos it deserves...

PJ Pants
 I made a lot of PJ pants this year. This pair was for a friend who had a really bad broken leg. They are Star Wars and glow in the dark!!

Bat Girl Apron
 This was made for a class sample. I thought it would be fun to make a super hero apron.

Kaleidoscope Quilt
 I made this quilt during my class. I wasn't planning to, but this fabric was begging to be a kaleidoscope. I used the Kaleido-Ruler, which worked great! Fabric is Lexington, from Moda.

Matching Pillow
 I had a bunch of little triangles leftover and I had the perfect amount to make these half square triangles and make a pillow.

Amy Butler Blossom Bag
 See the bag on my arm? I made that. But never photographed it... I don't really use it, but I made it to see if it would be a good class. I did teach it, but no one finished it in the class. It's challenging! You can get the pattern free here.

Southwest Tiles Quilt
This is my own pattern that I was planning to blog when I got the pattern finished and listed on my Craftsy patterns page. But half a year later it's not finished, so I thought I should go ahead and post the quilt!

Probably never going to be blogged:
I made some really lovely khaki pants with burberry-esque trim. They are really nice! I tailored the legs to be a little slimmer than my normal wide legged pants - trying to be a little more stylish. Then I gained some weight. And can't get them on. Sadness.

I quilted a Halloween quilt for someone on a home machine (the long arm was broken) and did really cool patterns in the border. I *thought* I photographed it, but apparently I had a bad camera moment. Because the photos are gone.

I made Ethan some church slacks with elastic waist since he is growing so darn fast. But he refuses to be photographed. It's ok. They are just black twill, but they make a huge difference on how he looks going to church! (and is comfort level)

And there was one more "Trip Around the World" Quilt out of my beloved PB & J fabric. It's hanging on a wall with glass bricks and looks TERRIBLE in the photos. I mean really terrible. So that one will have to wait until I take it down to quilt it.

And with that, everything I made in 2014 has now been blogged!!!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Handmade Holidays

Now that gifts have been opened, it's time for hand made reveals! 
Thanks to the magic of internet I got to watch my mom, brother and sister in law open their gifts!

This Rock Candy table topper is made out of the remnants of one of my very first quilts, a bargello.
I need to photograph that quilt. It was pre-blogging. The border fabric is all wine labels. I had just enough left to make this table topper, a table runner for Shawna (my sister in law), and the plus table runner below, which is going to our landlord.

The second plus table runner is made out of a French looking fabric called Savonnerie.
 Funny story - about 10 years I made my dad a quilt. I gave it to him on his first trip to Germany. On his first day in the country. After a very long flight. When he got home he didn't remember where the quilt came from! He told me "SOME artists SIGN their work." LOL. So ... LABELS! I bought some fabric with pre-printed labels, so you just have to write your name in.
 I made this cat apron for a friend who did NOT want his face on the internet.
 I made the kids fleece PJ pants. Haven had picked out the robot fabric a long time ago, but I never got them made. So I ended up getting her some cat fleece and using the robot fleece for Ethan. But I had guilt for giving him her robots.
 So I made her some shorts. This photo says it all!
You want me to MATCH my brother?!?!?

 This is a really nice pattern!! I didn't really finish the pants because I thought they would need fitting, but they actually fit perfectly! Just need to shorten the legs to the right length.
I made this tester pair out of lightweight denim, so the next pair will need to be twill or something. So that means Rob has to go fabric shopping!! Mwahahahaha!!!

I helped Petrina with the pattern for her Quilt of Valor that she gave to her husband today. The stars glow in the dark!!!
 Megan was in the Kaleidoscope quilt class I taught in October, and this is her finished quilt top. It's beautiful!
 I made a new School House Tunic out of my favorite fabric from the 25th and Pine line from Moda.
 Here's a closeup of the fabric. I love it!

These cookies were supposed to look like a poinsettia, but I had a really hard time make red frosting. So I give you day glow hot pink poinsettia cookies!
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! I hope to see all of your handmade gifts too!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

November Recap

I guess I should post about November before it's time to post about December!!

November was busy, but not much craftiness was going on.

I taught a mother and daughter how to make cake pops.
I was taking a break from the long Wilton classes for November and December.

I also taught the table runner and the tree skirt from this collection. 
I call this "Christmas from a Layer Cake" because you can get four/five projects out of one layer cake (plus additional background/border fabric). I have a pattern to go with this that will go in my Craftsy store. It's almost ready, but I guess it's a little late to sell it this year...

The rest of the crafting going on was done by other people! 

At our annual Holiday Fest on base I worked the Photos with Santa booth, 
(terrible iphone picture of the card, because I haven't gone to the photo studio to get the digital copy yet.)

and the Woodshop ran this tea light holder project where you nail holes in a tin can in a pattern. It was really cool! This is Edeltraut, our fantastic employee at the Woodshop.
I spotted people crafting at the Bowling Center, which I thought was way cool! This mom was working on a play mat for her son.
 And I think this project was a child's vest, but I've forgotten now...
Anyway, it was fun to catch people crafting in public!

Ethan and I have gotten to do some fun things together.
He had a project to draw a "Tundra Biome," and I convinced him to paint it with watercolors. I got out my good art stuff and we painted together. I did the mountains and the sky. He did the rest. 

Here he is after we completed a puzzle.
 And we had some fun bowling together. He especially likes that he can beat me!
 He has been bowling in the youth league and has really been improving. He has a goal to score 150 and then he can have his own ball. I made the goal high after he scored this 81. Last week he got to 94! He may get 150 sooner than I expect...

Haven was pretty busy too. She and her friends sang at the talent show as an a cappella group. Haven wrote the song and the group together worked out the harmonies and "instrumental" parts, and the choreography. I was incredibly proud of them!
They didn't win, but they sure should have, in my completely unbiased opinion.

I've embedded the video, but I noticed the last time I did that it didn't work right. So if you can't see the video, click here to see it on YouTube. Oh, and sorry for the quality. I put Ethan on camera duty. o_O

We did have Thanksgiving in November too, but it was quiet with just us at home. We are very thankful this year for friends and for people who look out for us when we need it! And for the quiet times when we just have a moment to do something together and enjoy being a family.