Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hilco Tunic #2

So, I know normal people probably buy their accessories to match their clothes... but I say where's the fun in that? I make my clothes to match my accessories! C&A has some really great winter tights and I bought these stripey ones to go with something else, but it didn't turn out the way I wanted. So I had tights that didn't match anything. This fabric is Jacobean Jewels by Red Rooster. It's very pretty. Deep rich colors perfect for fall/winter.

You can't really see the tights, but they are stripes with the same colors as the shirt fabric.

I made a couple of changes to the pattern. I shortened the bodice by an inch and lengthened the shirttail by about 3 inches. I think I should have shortened the bodice at the shoulders too. I also lengthened the tie ends (I didn't show the back, but there is a tie in the back.) I think it fits better now. I really like this pattern. It's kind of like the School House Tunic, but more fitted and with more details.

Ethan has been trying to make a snowman for a week now, but the snow is either too dry to stick together, or too dirty to play with. Today he came home with a bitty snowman he made at school!


  1. agh! I love the whole outfit!
    The top is so cute!
    I tried to buy funky tights yesterday (even though I do make fun of my mom but not in a mean way-lol) and since it's been so cold here they were all out of my size... boo! I may be back to pants for Matts xmas party!

  2. I love the tights! I have abosltuly no reason to wear dresses or skirts or even a nice top since I don't have a job or a life oustide of my home right now:) i love stripey tights.

    I love the top too. So cute!!!!
