Ok, yes, that's actually the aftermath of Hurricane Ike. But her room wasn't that much different!!! Well, I couldn't actually bear to take before photos. It was too much to handle. But here's the after photos!
Pink drawers replaced rickety old wood drawers that were falling apart.
Bed moved from wall under the slant roof to side wall. Shelves for little nick nacks. I haven't completly cleaned the cubbies under the bed, but I made a dent.
This lovely shelf with 16 cubbies replaces a boring bookshelf that didn't match anything in the room. The height fits perfectly under the slanted roof with room for smaller trinkets. Bean bag chair for reading strategically located next to the books. :)
Second half-size bookshelf with attached desk. This is a new thing from Ikea and I love this desk! It is so cool how it attaches to those shelves. Also in this picture, I covered some silver magnet boards with pretty wrapping paper to lighten them up and make them fit the color scheme better. Clever, clever! The shelf on the wall was added today to have a place for the dolls to stand. It will get little vitrine doors eventually.
I am loving vacationing at home! People keep telling me to relax. So today to relax I shopped at the commissary, sans children, had lunch with my boss and colleagues at one of my favorite restaurants, shopping again at the German stores, followed by building and hanging the shelf, hours of cleaning, and then hours more of cleaning the bathrooms. I even washed windows today!!! I love the smell of clean.
Ok, and one last tid bit of exciting news, today I bought a ONE TERABYTE external hard drive for 99 euros!!!!! It's a "green energy" model by Siemens. SCORE!!! I love Media Markt.
So the house is clean, company's coming tomorrow and I have all day to just cook. Ah... Wonder if I'm going to want to go back to work next week... Well, yeah. Can't be this clean all the time! Hahahaha!