2. Installed a forum and gallery on the the digital scrapbooking website. Did not pull out ALL my hair, but did bite off all my fingernails.....
3. Made Haven's halloween costume
4. Carved a Death Star
5. Started music lessons for the kids (Haven guitar, Ethan drums)
6. Got the kids addicted to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (probably my crowning achievement for the month)
7. Got Ethan hooked on audiobooks.
8. Sewed a long sleeved wrap shirt thing. (Will upload picture eventually)
9. Used a serger for the first time.
10. Ethan lost his second tooth. (You might remember he swallowed the first one. The tooth fairy collected the second one.)
I can't believe it's already November.
That's quite a month! I'm with you, though. I can't believe we're already into November.