Saturday, November 6, 2010

Knit Cardigan

This wrap is loosely based on Simplicity 2603 and a shirt I have with a front drape like this. I laid out my shirt over pattern ease and traced it lightly. Then I looked at the instructions for S2603 online and adjusted my pattern. I found the lime green knit at KIK. Can you guess what it was? A jersey knit SHEET! It was a fitted sheet so I also scored a huge length of elastic out of the deal. This green is the perfect shade to match my Nicey Jane shirt which would have otherwise been banished to the summer clothes, but now can be worn through the winter. Of course I have to endure all the sideways looks at how BRIGHT this outfit is. But who cares? I say wear whatever color you want to. It's my way of brightening up the cold days ahead.


  1. Sideways looks? Who cares? It's fantastic! Love it! Besides, the long, dreary German winter needs all the color it can get!

  2. Oh I like it and any looks are just jealousy because you can pull off the color!

  3. soo cool kelly! I'm always inpressed at how you LIKE to make things from scratch! And you're so good at it! I need a pattern to keep me sane.
    It looks really good on you!

  4. Very pretty!! You are so talented!!! Love, Margaret M.
