Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First Sale

I sold my first kit!!!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOO excited! It was the colors of spring one. The really bright one. Oh I'm so thrilled! I feel official now! Wooooooot!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Don't try this at home....

Warning! This post may cause sympathy pain!

My friend Alexandra sells Mary Kay, does magnet therapy, and (who knew) will go to your house and do piercing. So....

Yes, I'm this crazy....

Don't look up my nose... And voila! One pierced nose.
I'll spare you the details.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Check it out!

My blog was on this other blog: Scrappyfreebies. You can see my little kit preview and it links to my blog. How cool is that!?!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Star Wars Goes Green!

How cool is this?!? Zazzle has a whole line of Star Wars Goes Green themed shirts and accessories. Check them out here. Oh, and if you use coupon code PLANTATREE09 they will plant a tree. It's call tree-shirt relief. Haha!

Zazzle is fun. That's where Rica had the scrapbooker's shirts made that I blogged about awhile back. Hey Corinnea, does Collin know about it???

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Incredible Westward Journey and other novelties

Haven's school play, "The Incredible Westward Journey," was last night. It covered a bunch of the colonial events: building the railroad, displacing the Native Americans, Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark, and others. Haven was a delivery girl looking for famous people to deliver stuff to. But she couldn't find them because they were either avoiding settling down or out discovering stuff.

Right before the play started Ethan wanted to take some photos. And he managed to set the camera to manual focus. So I spent the whole first scene trying to find the spot to put it back to auto focus. Of course Haven was only in the first scene, so most of my pictures are blurry. Grrrr.... (Before all you photographers go thinking I'm an idiot, the button was on the side of my camera marked only with abbreviations. I'm not referring to the M vs. Auto functions.)

Here's Haven and her "other half" Sarah.

And just for fun... I've been wanting a new kitchen timer and started looking for the perfect one. I found this geisha today at Real (Tchibo section). I love it!!!! It's so perfect for my black and white decor and my Asian dishes (that I will finish one day...). I bought the pear first and was torn because I really think it belongs in Jess's kitchen. But I needed it. Now that the geisha has found me the pear will go to Jess. (If you want it that is.)

And since the Martindale girls were on my mind today, Corinnea, I found you more backerbsen at Real. :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

We started preparing for Easter on Friday. We decorated eggs in the afternoon and then went with the youth group up to the Birkenkopf (rubble hill) for a torch lit service. It was really special.

Saturday we went on base for the annual Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by CYS. Ethan was ... interesting. Once he got a place on the side he would NOT move. I wanted to go stand with JennyP and her girlies but Ethan was like a rock. He got about six candy filled plastic eggs.

Haven and Sarah went together and Haven got THREE special eggs. One was a free lunch to a new MWR restaraunt: Pancho Villa. I haven't tried it yet. Everyone who has gone has said it was "ok." I want OMG it was like eating in Texas! I guess I'm not going to get that here.... Oh well. Anyway, someone swiped her other two tickets, but she was ok because the only prizes they had left were big chocolate bunnies.
Sunday morning we all went to the services together. For the Youth service Rob introduced the "God Box" where the kids will be able to send "mail" to God. It's not a new concept, but I think it was new to this group. They seemed really moved by the idea. If they put offerings in the box they will go to different missions projects that we have going on.

Then we ate lunch outside on the patio. Grilled lamb cutlets (oh man....), roasted potatos, Spanakopita, Charoset, and fried tortillas. Baklava for desert. We had a baklava making class last Thursday so I've now made four baklavas in the last two weeks! I'm so over it. :) But I found Fillo dough at the Turkish store around the corner from our house and I will buy it from there from now on. It was frozen like in the commissary, but after it was thawed it was SO much fresher than the commissary stuff it was crazy! It made a big difference for the spanakopita.

Anyway, a nice quiet holiday celebrated with family. Hope you all enjoyed yours!

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!

KD Designs

My kids say I'm addicted to the computer. My husband wonders if he's married to me or the computer. When I look at my surroundings I don't see trees, tiles, rocks, etc. I see scrapbook pages. Well, my obsession is finally paying off. I got accepted into a Digital Scrapbooking Shop (which is a pretty big deal) and I will be able to start selling my kits very soon!

I've set up a new blog just for digital scrapbooking. It's called Kelly's Digital Designs, or KD Designs for short. Click here.

And this is where my shop will be when I get some items uploaded. I still have several steps I need to do before I can get anything uploaded. Feel free to look around at the other designer's stuff.

I will need to choose a profile picture that shoppers will see when they look at my stuff. I have these three avatars that I have used in the past. Which one do YOU like?

I'm really excited about this and hope other people like my kits as much as I like making them!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

T-Shirt Design

Erica, from the Stuttgart Scrappers, asked me to help her with this fun little graphic and she turned it into a shirt! You can see it here. It's cute!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Digi Dare #127

From the Digi Dares:
"What drives you to buy a digi kit? Is it colors, patterns, elements? For me it’s mainly the colors and the graphics. I love bright colors and cool graphics. Another question: do you use every paper in the kit? Or just one? Maybe 2? That’s what makes me feel bad! I don’t use all the papers I love! And there are a lot! A cool way to use those papers would be to make a mosaic with them. So for this week’s dare I want you to: 1. use as many different papers patterned or not (but there should be at least 4 different patterned papers), as you can. 2. make a word art by putting words you like or turn your favorite quote into a word art by using 5 different alphas or font."

Technically my birthday isn't until May 20, but I've been anticipating this one since last May 20th.
Papers: DSM Playground/Violet's Clubhouse
Notebook Paper: DSM Family/Teen
Fonts: too many... Handwritings: Pea Jenny Script and Pea Kelly
Stitching: Scrapbook Bytes

Bling: The diamond swirl and the little pink rhinestone bauble on the left side are my latest little project. I'm painstakingly putting all these tiny little rhinestones on the swirls, or the shapes. They can be colored for whatever project I'm working on. I'm hoping to get a really good collection, but they take soooo long to do each one. I've done three big swirls and five little baubles so far.

Pimp my Pen Tablet

Everytime I go somewhere with my computer I carry my pen tablet with me and I was starting to worry that it would get damaged. So I wanted a little slip case for it. Since I have the Amy Butler scrapbooking bag to carry around the computer I wanted to make the little cover out of matching fabric. So I chose one of the dot fabrics from Bleeker Street.

With some coaching from JennyP, I ended up making it like an envelope. The tablet slips in the pouch and the flap folds over. I put felt on the front and the little flap has velcro.

I also put velcro on the back of the tablet and the little pen holder so they stick to the felt. On the inside of the pouch is a piece of bookboard, so it becomes a lap pad when I'm using it on the couch. I'm really proud of the little handle. It looks really cute!

While I was teaching Digi Scrapping today at the store my kids had homework. Their job was to make me a picture representing "spring" without using any writing instruments. This is the beginning of their project. Of course Haven would do a diorama! The danglies are birds, just in case you didn't figure it out. They need more supplies to finish it. They make me so proud!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's!

Today's Menu:
Fish Sticks (Twix)
Mashed Potatos and Gravy (ice cream and caramel sauce)
Butter (white chocolate)
Peas and Carrots for Ethan (Skittles)
Corn for Haven (Skittles)

And for Mom and Dad:

Cheese Pizza
(Ice cream, strawberry topping, bananas, white chocolate)
The German ice cream cafe does a MUCH better job with the "pizza." Mine doesn't LOOK edible, but it was yummy!