Friday, March 19, 2010

New hair

Yes, I know I have been noticeably absent. I just haven't had anything interesting to post... But today Haven got a new hair cut and it is FABULOUS! It's dark in here so the pictures are not good at all, but I just had to get it posted. She also has her new retainer that she complains about, but is so proud of!

We also got a package from Great Granny today! How fun! Check out this CUTE little elephant boy! Thank you Granny!


  1. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! That's so cute!!! Tell Haven it's awesome!

    Love the elephant man!

  2. I love Haven's hair cut, it's darling! and so id elephant boy... =]

  3. She looks mask ;)

  4. Her hair looks great!!! So daring. So darling. And the elephant mask is too cute!

  5. Plese tell Haven this cut looks soooo good on her!! Herhair looks so shiny and pretty:) And that elephant thing is cool! The girls call my Nanny (grandma) Great Nanny.

  6. Havens hair is adorable!
    The mask is creeping me out... (don't take that the wrong way) It may just be his expression but it reminds me of a story where a guy was trapped in a bears skin and made to act like a bear until he was basically a bear but he was a person... I don't remember what book it was... maybe I should stop reading wierd books... it wasn't the main story of the book though... Ok I am going away now...
