Sunday, January 15, 2012

When Boredom = Creativity

When a bored teenager gets ahold of a box of felt, a needle and thread:

Monster Backpack

 Monster Wallets

 (inside view)
 (Back view of left wallet)

Monster Snail

Loch Ness Monster?
Haven showed me this one just moments before she was about to cut up an old stuffed animal for the stuffing. I rescued the duck from its impending doom and gave Haven polyfil instead! I'm super proud of her because she figured out how to make it 3-D without any kind of pattern. This little guy really makes me smile!

The thing about Haven's sewing that really impresses me is that it's all hand sewn! I tried to get her to use the sewing machine but she sews to fill time, not for the finished product. For a teenager that really impresses me.

1 comment:

  1. She's such a clever girl! Everything is really cute but the snail and the loch ness are my favourites!
