Saturday, March 24, 2012

One Week, One Pattern (DC edition)

I am in Washington, DC!! I've been here a week for training for work, and in the evenings and weekends I've gotten to go off-base and do a few fun things. For example, have you seen the Hunger Games? I have! 

Today's adventure took me and three other people to the Air and Space Museum and the Natural History Museum, both part of the Smithsonian system. Here's me in Day 1 of OWOP in front of the Amelia Earhart exhibit.
The capris are Vogue 1051 (my favorite pants pattern) shortened to capri length. The top is my beloved Simplicity 2191 Tunic. I'm thinking the pants will be the pattern I stick with since I don't have seven different tunic tops.

Did you know Amelia tried to start her own clothing line? I didn't!
 More Air and Space Museum:
 The Natural History Museum was quite impressive. They have a lot of bones! One of the ladies in our group said "We're going to see things that made oil!" I thought that was so funny!
 The rooms with gems and rocks were the neatest to me. The meteorites were so cool!
And I did wait in the crowd to get a close-up of the Hope Diamond. But there were some other equally stunning pieces on display!
My feet felt like they were going to fall off by the end of the day! We walked for seven hours straight. Well, no I guess we stopped for about 30 minutes for lunch. But other than that... we were there when the doors open and they kicked us out at the end of the day!


  1. you look super cute!! I got the magazine by the way. Love seeing the museum and I'm happy you got to be there. FUN!

  2. So cool!!! Did you know that you're only about 4 hours north of us? So close! And yet far enough to make it not-so-easy to connect. We'll be visiting DC next month, I can't wait to take Elora to see the dinosaur bones!

  3. Gorgeous outfit! Oh man we did a day in DC a few years back and I still haven't gotten over how trashed I was after all of that walking... looks like you are having fun!
