Wednesday, March 28, 2012

OWOP Day 5

I finished most of my homework yesterday so today I took a little outing to G Street Fabrics to see what they had and to repair a little mishap in my newest pair of jeans (to be blogged later this week). The manager on duty let me use one of the brand new Bernina machines they have on display to fix my pants. That was very nice of her because they charge $10/hour to use their classroom machines! Yikes! After repairing my pants I went on to roam through their giant fabric sales floor. Unfortunately I couldn't convince any of the store workers to take my picture so I had to set it on a cutting table and use the timer. So not the best shot, but you get the idea.

Pants are a repeat: Vogue 1051, the black linen pair. Shirt is Simplicity 2191 tunic. And this shirt happens to be the same fabric as the facings in the pants, so I was matchy matchy today!

So did I buy anything? Duh! They have a clearance section where everything in this one area is $2.97 per yard! No matter what kind of fabric it is! So I picked up a few goodies. I had to take it easy since I have limits to how much my luggage can weigh.
Can you guess what that fabric in the middle will become? Not too hard to figure out since this week is an ode to my favorite pattern.... :)


  1. I guess you can forgive them for not taking your picture since they let you use their machine.... It looks like such a fun store!Love the fabrics you got, what a deal. Soooo, are you going to make pants with that middle one??? ha haha They'll be gorgeous!

  2. fabric shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay for you! Love the fabrics you chose.
