Sunday, December 21, 2008

Inspired to Scrap

I haven't made a digi page in like... months! I've been busy, and uninspired. But today I downloaded a free kit from here and was inspired by a layout challenge on the Memory Maniacs Forum here.

I've also copied Corinnea and made a neck warmer which I might post a picture of later. I haven't crocheted since like 5th grade. What was that teacher's name? She made us all learn! Thank you Ms. I-Can't-Remember-Your-Name! I want to learn how to make flowers next so I can keep the neck warmer on with little brooches.

Today I decided to stop moochin off of all my baking friends and I made Mexican Wedding Cookies BY MYSELF! Recipe from here. Now I've eaten so many sweets I feel ill... Oh, and I broke my mixer so I had to make them totally by myself! I want one of those big mixers that does it all...


  1. I want one .... in general.... never had one and always heard how nice they are.....

    We had sleeping bags and three sets of arms and legs all over the living room floor last night and everyone slept till 9:00.... J

  2. Kelly you are so talented! Where do yo find the time and energy?

  3. totally cute page! I need to learn how to do this!
    I so wouldn't even attempt the cookies without a mixer I am SOOO lazy! Kitchenaides are awesome!

  4. Corinnea, considering it's one day later and all the cookies are gone... yeah, I still want your cookies! LOL!
