Friday, May 30, 2008

The concept:
a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd's mosaic maker).
The Questions:
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What high school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One Word to describe you.
12. Your flickr name

This game is from Jenny P's blog. I don't have a flikr account and didn't feel like making one, so I made a less than cool mosaic of my pictures in powerpoint. Yeah, whatever. Anyway, my answers were: Kelly, tomatos, Colorado High School, blue, Harrison Ford (the Han Solo and early Indiana Jones Harrison Ford), orange juice (which this photo was doubly good because I also LOVE coffee and the orange is sitting in a coffee cup!), Barcelona, tirimisu, artist, family, firey, kellyskorner (I don't have a flickr name so I used my etsy name. I love this pic I found!)

We're Home!

We loved our time in the US (although my waistline did NOT benefit from it) but we were happy to come home. Ethan started asking "Are we going to my home with my purple lightsaber?" Leave it to Ethan to care more about his lightsaber than sleeping in his own bed! We miss everyone a bunch!

It's back to the grind at work. Deadlines... projects... classes... meetings... the usual. So craftiness is going to have to be on the back burner for a few weeks.

Here's a picture I took right before we left the US. I saw these shirts in the airport in Florida and just had to have them. The kids love wearing them! I had to peel Ethan out of his and sneak it into the laundry last night! They are my sweet little "Things!"

Our Last Days on the Island

Ethan, Aunt Shawna, Uncle Brian and Haven playing in the swimming pool.
Haven, Ethan, and PawPaw on this beautiful two tiered carousel at the mall.
A quick visit to Pep Boys to fix Nana's tire meant playtime for Ethan on all the big boy toys!A seagull posed for me just as we were leaving the island for the last time. How fitting!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Birthday Present from my Husband


She is my song. Enchanting ayre
which steals my heart with ev'ry care.
No one can see nor understand;
Like Warhol painted in the sand,
this muse has found me unaware.

As soothing chords resolve despair,
placid notes flow. From a veiled stand
comes endless hues- a concert grand.
She is my song.

The rhythm dances. Like a prayer
the shadows fade when she is there.
The symphony rests in her hand;
safe from the Last of life's demand-
safe, for the lyrics we will share.
She is my song.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Inked Up

I love the design Melonie gave me so much (the one I've been using on my mugs) that I decided to have it rendered in henna on my right shoulder. It turned out so awesome! Now I think I might need to make it permanent... I have to show it to Rob and see what he thinks first. If he says go for it, I think it will be Melonie's first tattoo if and when we get this tattoo contract up and running!
I couldn't do it alone! Haven got a frog on her arm.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Good Times

We went to a church this morning here on the island and it just happened to be a day when five people were getting baptised in the Gulf of Mexico! It was a really cool experience!

Then Ethan got his first ride on PawPaw's motorcycle!

The Coolest Wedding Ever!

Me and my new sister-in-law, Shawna.
The wedding party. Eric, the "man of honor"; my dad, the best man; Brian, the groom; Shawna, the bride; and the Judge, who's name I forgot.

Haven and some cousins. They're having so much fun! :)
Ethan... with new ... er ... boy haircut?
The couple... awww...
The new family (my mom on the left)
Weddings on the beach are way fun!

Friday, May 16, 2008

HEB carries THAT???

Ok, for all you ex-pats like me who have been living abroad for more than three years... guess what they came out with while we were gone... HEB Plus. Anyone heard of it already? Well it was new to me. I was in grocery store heaven! This place so beats the socks off Super WalMart! Ok, they probably don't have everything a SW has, but they had so much more when it comes to food!

So my brother said he wanted to do cold-cuts for the wedding reception so I said great! I listened to Mary talk about it for the Arts and Crafts Awards Ceremony so I said IF I could find the right meats and cheeses I would do an Italian style spead. IF I could find them... HA!

So I walk into the HEB and the FIRST thing I find is the FRESH bread section. They had flippin BAUERN BROT! OMG I was in bread heaven! So I ordered 15 loaves of that yummy Italian bread that Mary got us. MMMM.... fresh baked Italian bread.... Then I turn around and there's a little kiosk with all the olives and stuff. Well, that was out cuz bro wasn't interested. Oh well, they still had them! Then I go to the produce section and they had WHITE ASPARAGUS! No one else even knew it existed, but there it was! Ok, I didn't buy asparagus, I was just happy to see it had made its way across the ocean. They had the ruccola (Corinnea will be proud of me) too.

Then I get to the deli meats and cheeses. MMMMM.... They had EVERYTHING! A HUGE selection of German meats and a nice selection of Italian meats (which is what I was shopping for). Same for the cheeses. They had Havarti for cryin out loud! They even had the really good 3 year old parmesean. I had a really fun conversation about cheese with a British lady and ended up buying some soft cheese (I forgot which one) with cranberries in it! It's really good.

Oh, I also had a conversation with a Korean lady at the fresh sushi section who's name is Young, which is also like our Mi Young. That was cool.

Back to cheese, hehe, they even had Babybel OH AND the Lurpak butter we get in the commissary. Who woulda thought!

Ok, the rest of the store was normal. Oh, but at one point while I was buying coffee Ethan wanted to play this crane game and one of the greeters gave him a token to play the game. You know what they say, when you make the kids happy you've got the parents.

Ok, so bottom line... if I ever move back to the states I refuse to live in any city that does not have an HEB Plus. And I think I should get a prize for posting this HUGE blog about a grocery store!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Arts and Crafts Awards Ceremony

Our friend Justin posted some photos from the Awards Ceremony. Click here if you are interested in viewing them. It was a great event!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Thank You Wal-Mart!

Nanananana Nananana Bat Man!

Move over Hannah Montana! Haven Renea is on her way!
Uncle Brian giving lessons.

Back in the USA

Well, the kids and I survived 22 hours of travelling together... but just barely. We only had two hours of sleep Sunday night so 4 am came way too soon. The first flight to Frankfurt was bearable, but the two hour wait in the airport to the next flight was a little painful. There was a little relief when the kids found one of those flat escalators (that can't be what their called) to play on. That kept them busy for about 30 minutes or so until Ethan hit the emergency stop button. Then it was a quick escape before anyone noticed! The first few hours of the next flight Ethan slept. That was a dream! The next six hours the two kids faught... Grrr... and the last two hours or so they slept again. The two hour drive from the airport to my brother's house turned into a four hour drive, with four potty breaks (for Ethan!) and a stop for seafood. Mmmmm... frog legs and alligator for Haven. We're in Cajun country now! A pretty good night's sleep and we're up and ready for shopping! Gotta love the good ol consumerism of the USA. ahhh...

Friday, May 9, 2008


That about sums it up! It's 1:45 AM and I just got in about 15 minutes ago. But the art shows are all finally over! The one Wednesday night was a HUGE success!!!! I will try to get pictures from the photographer to share. The one tonight was fun, but I didn't get as big of a response about my artwork as I hoped. They originally said we could sell and then decided not to because of some customs issues. So it was just talking to people and hoping they will want to buy later.

Well, my very long week is over and now I have to wash basically all the clothes in the house (cuz everything's dirty) to be able to pack for the US trip. We leave on Monday! I'm excited, but wow I don't know how I'll get ready! Well, if I'm going to face tomorrow I have to sleep now!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Had to blog! Sold a mug, and have an order for two more coming! Woo hoo!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Blog Blues

I've just been too busy to say anything interesting. So here's a picture of Ethan with a righteous black eye. I'm not sure exactly what happened but it involved the kindergarten and a stick. I'm sure Ethan was not the innocent victim.

Here's Haven with her new glasses. Aren't they great on her?

The Thomas Kinkade puzzle from you-know-where that has lived on our living room table for the last two weeks.

I probably won't have time to blog until after the Arts Show, so you'll have to look at my dark, out of focus pictures for a couple of days!

Friday, May 2, 2008

More Movie Madness

I was reading the description of Juno (blog below) on and the director, Jason Reitman, is the same guy who directed "Thank You for Smoking," a movie I've been telling Corinnea to watch for MONTHS! This movie is a commentary on the tobacco industry and public relations in general. It also throws punches at the alcohol industry and firearms industry. This is not like "Lord of War," (also really good). This one is a very satiristic (can I make up a word) comedy. My favorite part is when the Tobacco, Alcohol, and Firearms spokepeople get into a little discussion about who's industry kills more people each year! If you watch it and you don't like it, don't blame me. I said it was satire!

Intellectual Property

So apparently I'm an idea thief. Yup. I did it TWICE this week and didn't even realize it! Both times it was Corinnea's ideas that I stole. So maybe that doesn't really count since we share a brain... hmmm... So if there's anyone out there who I've stolen ideas from and passed them off as my own, I'm terribly sorry. But just know this: if I stole your idea that means it was good!

Well, in good idea thief form, I'm going to do it again. We all know Jenny P is our blog guru, so since she posted a movie review, I will too! :)

Ok, so we watched Juno last night. Wow. It's about a 16 yr old who gets pregnant and her story after that. So good, so touching, SO funny... highly recommended.