Monday, May 19, 2008

Inked Up

I love the design Melonie gave me so much (the one I've been using on my mugs) that I decided to have it rendered in henna on my right shoulder. It turned out so awesome! Now I think I might need to make it permanent... I have to show it to Rob and see what he thinks first. If he says go for it, I think it will be Melonie's first tattoo if and when we get this tattoo contract up and running!
I couldn't do it alone! Haven got a frog on her arm.


  1. uh, oh....once you start you can't stop! think think think before you do it! if I could do some of mine over (their placement and what they are) I would. Do you want to wear a nice dress and have it show, etc.

  2. Oh, GO FOR IT!!! I have three tattoos, and I love all of mine! Of course, each of mine has a particular meaning to me: one for my marriage, one for my sister, and one to remind me to be at peace. So it's true that you should think it through...

    But I say go for it. :)
