Thursday, September 23, 2010

Quarantine Day 1

If you don't know what I mean by quarantine, read the previous post. I'm actually not quarantined, it just amuses me to say the word quarantine. I can leave my house, I just have to avoid contact with ... well, everyone. I mean it's hard to ask everyone if they've had chickenpox, are pregnant, or have a weak immune system before you shake hands. So just easier to stay inside and not risk it. So here's my rundown of today's activities (as if you're really interested... but it's fun for me to make lists! CHECK!)
  1. three loads laundry
  2. dishwasher
  3. began to de-clutter the dining table
  4. cleaned the pile of clothes off my floor
  5. cleared the dead plants off the balcony (side note, if you love plants, don't give me one as a gift)
  6. had lunch with Ethan
  7. held my kitty through two seizures
  8. lots of blog reading
  9. logged on to facebook TWICE (necessity only, don't expect to see me there any more frequently)
  10. cut some interfacing for the coat I'm working on
  11. helped Haven with her family tree project (a little more hands on than I probably should have been, but there were tree branches and they needed leaves!)
  12. finished watching the 3rd season of the funniest spy tv show EVER "Chuck" (which went out in a "Blaze of Glory" wink wink)
  13. And here was my favorite activity of the day

Watching the boy play with legos. Yup. Good day.

Oh, and if you're wondering about Self-Stitched September, I am still wearing my hand-made garments, but there will be a lot of repeats and no point in photographing. But if the sun stays out (please let the sun stay out) I do have one finished voile dress to unveil!


  1. holy moly Kelly... I hope you don't get any worse! and keep up with the motivation... you're inspiring me to get busy, not sick!

  2. That's a gorgeous picture of Ethan! Try resting while you are sick.... just saying.

    Love you!

  3. Is drinking a bunch of coffee on your list too?!? I am officially tired and need a nap just from reading :P I hope you get better soon- though it sounds like your forced stay-cation has been pretty fun so far!

  4. Hope you feel better soon! Great picture, Ethan looks so grown up ;)
